EDGE Corps® is an opportunity to move out of your comfort zone as you invest in others for the sake of Christ, sacrifice to reach college students, initiate new relationships and serve your leaders, teammates and students. You will join a team of Navigator staff members who are seeking to reach their campus for Christ and experience the blessings and challenges of serving as part of a team.
iEDGE is a partnership between The Navigators Collegiate and Missions Departments committed to developing young leaders by teaming them with international staff teams to serve and support the long term ministry strategy in various countries. iEDGE teams of 4-6 will reach out with the love of Christ to students who are spiritually hungry and looking for answers to life's questions. These recent college graduates set aside two years of their lives to be meaningfully involved in the lives of students around the world. In return, working with seasoned Navigator leaders both in the US and internationally, they receive training and experience that will impact them and others for a lifetime.